Studies show that men with beards are more attractive than their clean-shaven counterparts. But if you’re planning to grow a beard, you’ll need to trim it regularly; otherwise, it will turn into a bushy, unkempt mess.
#1) Wash Regularly
Washing goes hand in hand with trimming with a beard. Unfortunately, though, this is a step that many men overlook, believing the natural oils produced by their skin will help moisturize their beard. While natural oils do moisturize, you still need to wash your beard. Failure to do so will result in dead skin cells and other debris becoming trapped.
#2) Comb Before Trimming
Another helpful tip is to comb your beard before trimming it. Using a medium-stiffness comb, comb your beard towards the grain to straighten it out. By combing your beard, you’ll remove any tangles or knots while allowing for an easier and more efficient trim.
#3) Trim Shorter on Neck and Cheeks
It’s a good idea to trim the hair on your neck and cheeks higher than your actual beard and mustache. Why is this necessary? Well, it’s the same principle as “fading” the hair on the side of your head. You want the focus to be on your mustache and beard, not your neck and cheeks. Therefore, trimming your neck and cheeks so the hair here is longer than your mustache and beard helps you achieve this goal.
#4) Don’t Trim When Wet
There’s nothing wrong with cutting your hair when it’s wet, but you shouldn’t attempt to trim your beard when it’s wet. The problem with trimming a wet beard is that it may look different when dry. You might trim your beard, only to discover later that it doesn’t look how you wanted it to. To prevent this from happening, err on the side of caution by trimming your beard only when it’s dry. This way, if it’s not just right, you can adjust it accordingly.
#5) Finish Up with Scissors
An electric trimmer is an invaluable tool that can help streamline the beard trimming process. A high-quality electric trimmer ensures a consistent, even trim while also giving you greater control over length. However, you should still finish up with scissors. After you are finished trimming your beard with an electric trimmer, go over it with a pair of scissors to remove any stray hairs. In addition to creating a more polished finished, using scissors also allows for a more natural-looking beard.